Kadievska-Vojnovikj: The “successful” handling of the energy crisis cost Macedonia a lot


The “successful” handling of the energy crisis by the Government resulted in the highest growth in the price of electricity for companies in all of Europe, the most expensive electricity for households of all countries in the region, spent budget funds in the amount of 230 million euros for ESM – money for which there’s no report, blocked companies, bankrupt companies and increasing poverty, said Maja Kadievska Vojnovikj in an opinion piece for Pari.mk.

“So where did our highest inflation in 2022 come from in regional frameworks and beyond? So where did the pressure to increase retail prices come from? So where did the pressure to increase the salaries of the employees come from? Well, from the “successful” handling of the energy crisis by this Government, in which the “most successful” management resigned from ESM, and did not give an account of 230 million euros”, said Kadievska-Vojnovikj.


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