Trajanov: Democracy and responsibility will be strengthened by introducing a single electoral unit


At today’s press conference of MPs-proposers of the amendments to the Electoral Code, with which it is proposed that North Macedonia be a single electoral unit, MP and leader of the Democratic Union PavleTrajanovstressed:

“By introducing a single electoral unit, a strong process of democratization and strengthening of the responsibility of public office holders will begin, the monopolistic position of ruling one party will be dismantled, each vote will have the same weight, and the composition of the Parliament will reflect the determination of the citizens who will have the opportunity to choose,” said Trajanov.

By introducing a single electoral unit, as well as by removing the systemic advantages of the four parties related to the financing of the election campaign, the media space for political representation and the state financing of party institutes, equal conditions will be created for political competition and in bringing crucial and other strategic more parties and individuals will participate in decisions.

So far, the ruling SDSM and DUI have blocked the adoption of amendments to the law.

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