Prof. Dr. Angelova, new UKIM rector: A lot of work is needed to have a higher quality education


Prof. Dr. Biljana Angelova from the Economic Institute is the new rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (UKIM). Regular, part-time professors, assistant professors and students – members of university student assemblies of Saints Cyril and Methodius University through direct voting elected her as the head of the oldest educational institution in the country.

“I am really happy about my new position. I want to be the leader of changes that will improve UKIM. For good quality in higher education, a prerequisite is to establish solid relationships in the triangle: higher education and science – business sector – public institutions, and to improve education, it is necessary to create centers of excellence and strengthen research and innovation capacities, which are key success factors for the long-term economic development of the country”, said Angelova.



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