Macedonia will be an EU member in 3-4 years, says Ahmeti at the “European Front” debate


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti says that he is very optimistic about when we will enter the EU. He says that in 3-4 years the country will be a member of the European Union.

“I am an optimist, I always have been and I will stay an optimist. There will be no waving of the white flag. The biggest optimists did not think that we would ever be a member of NATO, but it is now a reality. Even the great optimists would not believe that Macedonia as a multi-ethnic state can be an example for solving problems,” Ahmeti said.

“If we ever thought that it would take us 10 years to join the EU, now I believe that in 3-4 years we will be a member of the EU because the circumstances have changed in favor of speeding up this time”, stressed the leader of the ruling DUI.

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