Bochvarski: Government to support Delchevo rehabilitation after storm damages


Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski and Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Kaja Shukova, Public Enterprise for Road Maintenance director Kostadin Acevski and Faculty of Civil Engineering Dean Goran Markovski inspected Saturday the damages caused by the flash storm that hit Delchevo two days ago.

Delchevo Mayor Goran Trajkovski briefed the officials on the damages and the need for strong support from the central authorities in the rehabilitation efforts, in order to bring life for the people of Delchevo back to normal as soon as possible.

Minister Bochvarski said the Government fully supported the municipality, assuring the citizens that the times of difficulty would be overcome. Institutions are working together with the municipality and the mayor in identifying all damages, especially in the field of infrastructure. The most important aspect is to bring the critical infrastructure back to normal. Teams of the PE for road maintenance are already working on the most damaged sections of the access roads leading to the town. We are fully supporting the municipality both financially and technically, added the minister.


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