After VMRO-DPMNE’s victory in the upcoming elections, DUI and SDSM officials will be held accountable for enriching themselves on the backs of citizens, says opposition


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at yesterday’s forum “Thirty-three years of VMRO-DPMNE and Macedonia” stressed that the upcoming elections will not only be a message from the people about what they think about the constitutional amendments, but much more than that.
“These elections will be much more a message from the people to the government about the expensive life, the inflation which is double-digit and the highest in Europe, about the lack of a health system, about the corruption in the courts, the prosecution, about nepotism, criminal tenders. A message to those good people who have been begging at the doors of institutions for months and still do not have the Trikafta medication. A message to the young people who were deprived of all their chances, to the doctors, the medical staff that were devalued, to the farmers whose suffering is unpaid, to the unemployed, but also to the low-wage employees, to the pensioners, to all of them to whom we have to say – it’s over, the end is near,” said Mickoski.

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