As long as we think it is possible without issuing fiscal receipts, we contribute to grey economy, says Bytyqi


Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi said that all stakeholders in society should be involved in reducing and suppressing the grey economy. According to him, as long as we think it is possible without issuing fiscal receipts, we contribute to the grey economy that we have been facing for 32 years.

“I will just remind you that with the “My VAT” program, in which we have over 550,000 users, it was essentially promoting a way of suppressing the grey economy by motivating people to scan their fiscal receipts or shop where fiscal receipts are issued. As long as we think it is possible without issuing fiscal receipts, we contribute to grey economy. And that’s why I say – yes, here is the proposal of the Economic Chamber, it is always acceptable, we need to sit down and really see how ready we are to combat grey economy, not only as a central government or a local government, but as a society,” Bytyqi told reporters.

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