4 patients die, 23 new COVID-19 cases in Macedonia


23 new COVID-19 cases have been registered in Macedonia in the past 24 hours,
four patients have died, the Ministry of Health said Thursday.
Of the recovered, in Skopje – 13, Kumanovo – 74, Shtip – 1, Prilep – 18, Bitola – 1,
Ohrid – 1, Kriva Palanka – 1, Probishtip – 1, Demir Hisar – 1.
“A 62-year-old man from Skopje passed away at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases,
while a 59-old-woman from Gostivar died at the ‘8 September’ City General
Hospital,” the press release read.
Two patients from Kumanovo, aged 72 and 79, of which the first was treated for
coronavirus at home and the second at the town’s hospital, have also passed away.
Over the past 24 hours, 386 coronavirus tests have been carried out.23 people
tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, of which in Skopje – 5, Kumanovo
– 5, Prilep – 3, Tetovo – 6, Veles – 2, Negotino – 2.
This brings the tally of coronavirus patients in the country to 1,465.

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