Customs officers seize MRI contrast agent injections at Deve Bair border


While conducting a routine search of a bus at the Deve Bair border crossing, customs officers found and seized 329 undeclared Gadovist 1.0 injections used during magnetic resonance imaging, the Customs Administration said in a press release.

The gadolinium-based contrast agent, which increases the accuracy of MRI for the identification of both benign and malignant lesions, was hidden in a pack of branded bottled water.

“On September 8, customs officers during a search of a bus with Turkish license plates traveling from Istanbul to Pec in Kosovo, found under one of the middle seats a package containing 329 pieces of Gadovist 1.0 15ml injection solution from the German manufacturer Bayer,” reads the press release.

“A report has been filed against the person for the crime of smuggling, under Article 278 of the Criminal Code,” the release added.

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