VMRO-DPMNE won a huge victory in 2021 as opposition, now let’s round it off and confirm it with a victory in the presidential and parliamentary elections with 61 MPs, says Mickoski


VMRO-DPMNE won a huge victory in 2021 as opposition, now let’s round it off and confirm it with a victory in the presidential and parliamentary elections with 61 MPs, says Mickoski


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski during his visit to Prilep on Saturday, which is part of the “It’s important Changes depend on you” campaign indicated that it was important to have a historic victory of VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition led by the party in the upcoming elections and as he said “because with future potential partners, I will not talk at the level of politics and concepts, because for unfortunately, most of them are based on personal ambitions”.

“We need a serious reform, because Macedonia is on its knees, devastated, robbed. That is why it is necessary for the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE to win 61 MPs. We are fighting for 61 MPs, the victory is certain,” said Mickoski.

Mickoski pointed out that with VMRO-DPMNE, the people started writing history in 2021 after the party went through an internal catharsis and yielded that result with a huge victory.

“VMRO-DPMNE managed to win the majority of mayors as opposition, and here we started to write history, but that is not enough, we need to round it off and confirm it with a victory in the presidential and parliamentary elections and win with 61 MPs”, said opposition leader Mickoski.

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