SDS and DUI destroyed education, as a result Macedonia is at the bottom of the PISA ranking that measures students’ language and mathematical literacy, says Janevska


The educational policies, if they can be called that, which were implemented by the Government of SDS and DUI in the past years, experienced a complete collapse, head of the VMRO-DPMNE Education and Science Committee Vesna Janevska pointed out at a press conference Wednesday.
The education system in the country has reached the bottom, and for that we already have confirmation from the OECD as the most relevant international organization that measures students’ knowledge.
The results of the last PISA test conducted in 2022 are unfortunately disastrous. Significantly reduced compared to the results achieved in the previous test in 2018.
Macedonia is at the bottom of the ranking list and in competition with the countries of the so-called third world. Or more precisely, out of a total of 81 countries that were part of the testing, we are in 71st place in reading comprehension, in 68th place in terms of knowledge in the field of natural sciences and in 61st place in terms of achievements in the field of mathematics.

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