Bekteshi: The country will be fully independent from the East regarding energy supply for the first time in 30 years


This year will be the first one on record that the country is fully independent from the East regarding energy supply, primarily in the natural gas sector, said Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi on Tuesday.
Minister Bekteshi told a panel at conference “Year of European Opportunities” that a pipeline is set to be put into use, initially intended for distributon of crude oil but now used for other oil derivatives as well.
“Since the country’s independence in 1991, the country has been dependent on the East for energy supply. As of this year, we will not depend on any country and decide on our own while considering the principles of competitiveness, thus increasing our security and speeding up EU integration,” said Bekteshi.
The minister added that the just energy transition investment platform incorporates investments in infrastructure and networking with neighboring countries, as well as transforming national capacities from conventional output to “green energy”.

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