SEC President: I will not sign the voter list if the elections are held 22 days after the end of the state of emergency


The President of the State Election Commission (SEC) Oliver Derkoski in an
interview with the portal says that in these two months he appealed to all
those who will decide to hold the elections to be careful how they wear them,
because our country is in a pandemic.
"It is clear that the current situation in the country brings new challenges and it is
clear that every step must be taken. "If elections are organized in such conditions, it
will probably be necessary to organize many more human resources and many
protective means, and all that means more financial means," Derkoski said.

He adds that the SEC will have to hold elections if a decision was made, although in
this situation the process will be very complicated.
"It is not possible to hold elections in 22 days because there is no voter list, with
which voter list would you go to the polls?" The interpretation of the decree, which is
the subject of some politicians, experts, etc., says that the 22nd day before the
Election Day should not be extended. The decree says that the actions that were
before are stopped, and in the second paragraph it is said that the SEC is given the
task to prepare a revised schedule the day after the state of emergency, which
means that the SEC will have to anticipate these deadlines for the voter list,
according to the Electoral Code. In that schedule, we will anticipate all the deadlines
needed to hold legal and legitimate elections,” says Derkoski.
Derkovski also points out that if there is such a hypothetical situation, he, as
president of the SEC, will not sign that voter list, and he hopes that some of his
colleagues would do the same.
"Then they would fall into a different crisis and a different situation that would cause
another situation, because I don't want to take responsibility for an illegitimate
process and they can't make me do it." The legal regulations in the country should
be respected," he said in an interview with

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