Mickoski and his associates laid the foundations for the coalition potential


VMRO-DPMNE’s HristijanMickoski, the leader of the party that won an overwhelming victory in Wednesday’s double elections, reported that on Thursday he held a meeting with colleagues from the party’s leadership, where the foundations of the framework on which the coalition potential with other parties will be built, the focus of which will be the people.

As Mickoski said on social media, at the meeting several basic points were set on which the coalition negotiations will be conducted and which will be the focus of the future government led by VMRO-DPMNE, as 1. An economically strong state, through reforms and steps that will be a fierce battle for a higher living standard; 2. Front against crime and corruption and achievement of justice and 3. Realization of strategic interest for EU integrations, through dialogue and fulfillment of principles.

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