Total of 23,545 real estate sales with total value of EUR 910 million in 2023


A total of 32,971 transactions were entered I  2023 in the database of the Register of Prices and Rents, of which 23,545 were for real estate purchases and sales and 9,426 were for real estate leases. Sales in the Register of Prices and Rents in 2023 decreased by 4 percent compared to 2022, and leases increased by 9 percent, according to the Annual Report on the work of the Real Estate Cadaster Agency in the period January-December 2023.

The value of registered real estate sales in 2023 is 910 million euros.

The most purchases and sales were registered in March, 2,464, and the least. 1,722, in April, the Report shows. There were 3,011 leases of apartments and 1,417 of houses.

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