Kaselakis tells Mitsotakis: If you think the Prespa Agreement is treacherous, here’s your chance to undo it, but you won’t


If you think that the Prespa Agreement (with North Macedonia) is treacherous, here is your chance to cancel it, but you will not do that, because the Agreement is what you wanted as a party, SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kaselakis told Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

“I’m sending a clear and simple message to the Prime Minister. The Prespa Agreement is bilateral. If you continue to find it treacherous, there is only one way. To do what your representatives said, and many of them still say: “If VMRO-(DPMNE) gives us a chance, we will cancel the contract.” The same thing is desired by the so-called “fighters for Macedonia” that you took to the streets and are your voters: Cancel it. Well, there’s Skopje, go ahead. Let’s see. But you won’t. And you know why you wouldn’t? Because the Prespa Agreement is what you wanted as a party, but then (former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola) Gruevski in no way accepted to make so many concessions, as they did (the SDSM-led government) before the SYRIZA government, before Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Kotzias,” Kaselakis pointed out.

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