Aside from closed ORs, computers were also turned off at the Surgery clinic, while the economic director is traveling to the Cote d’Azur


The country’s health care is on the verge of collapse, the suspension of surgery operations has caused chaos in other hospitals, and the minister still has no idea why the ORs (operating rooms) are not working, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski told a press briefing on Wednesday.

“Chaos with the air is not the only problem at the Surgery clinic. Since yesterday, the CT and X-ray machines are not working! This is the notice that requires the understanding of patients to be referred to other health facilities!  In these moments when all the public is focused on the situation in Surgery, when all Skopje hospitals are overloaded with patients due to the Surgery issues, now the computers for tomography are also turned off. This is nothing but order, health, patient care and commitment of the Minister and the entire management team of the Surgery clinic,” Stoilkovski said.

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