Did the whole healthcare system collapse because of EUR 120,000 for rehabilitation of the Surgery clinic that was not done?!


Did the whole healthcare system collapse for 120,000 euros of rehabilitation of the Surgery clinic that was not done, asked VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Monday.
“Health Minister Ilir Demiri and the Deputy Health Minister Maja Manoleva should say whether that was the reason they did not make a rehabilitation of 120,000 euros in time, 12 departments in the Surgery clinic are now blocked and the whole health system is in chaos? Why were millions set aside for shady tenders, commissions for vaccines worth tens of millions of euros were falsified, cancer therapies were stolen, and 120,000 euros were not found for the rehabilitation of Surgery? How is it possible that SDS and DUI had money for all kinds of murky deals and tenders, but did not have 120,000 euros to remedy the Surgery problem? Taking into account the behavior of SDS and DUI, it becomes clear that they could have, but did not solve the problem with the Surgery clinic,” pointed out VMRO-DPMNE.

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