VMRO-DPMNE leader: Our country is the record holder in the region in diseased due to coronavirus


What the government thinks and what the numbers are telling us are two very different things. We have not successfully dealt with the crisis if we are the record holders in the region in terms of deaths per million inhabitants, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski on last night’s interview with Klan TV.

– Today we have twenty newly diagnosed patients, yesterday we had 37 new patients. While the countries in the region of Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro either have a single digit number of patients or have none on a daily basis. These are measurable numbers, this is a visible thing, said Mickoski.

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE pointed out that it was not about going out before the media every day and saying that everything was fine.

– It is not about going out in the media and thinking that if you repeat your story often enough the citizens will accept it, said Mickoski.

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