No new hires, all employees will only be redeployed to the new ministries, says Petrushevski


The reorganization of the ministries was in the program, shared with the public, debated in all possible forums, performances and we won the historically highest victory in the history of Macedonia. The law was brought in an abbreviated procedure because they do not violate constitutional deadlines, said VMRO-DPMNE MP Brane Petrushevski in an interview with Kanal 5 TV, stressing that the purpose of this is to function more efficiently and fulfill what was promised to the citizens.
Regarding the employees and what the new ministries mean, Petrushevski elaborates that it is only a matter of reorganization, all employees will only be redistributed.
“There is only a reorganization of the ministries in the government. If we take the Agency for Youth and Sports, the sports section is transferred to the Ministry of Sports, those employees from the agency are transferred to the ministry, the personnel in the youth section are transferred to social policy, youth and demography and so on,” said MP Petrushevski.

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