Thirty-day detention for three Serbian engineers who spied for a Macedonian arms company


The three engineers from “Krushik” in Valjevo, arrested and suspected of the crime of espionage for a company from Macedonia, have been detained for up to 30 days after a multi-hour interrogation at the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Valjevo.

The suspects M.O. (1987), D. L. (1960) and D. M. (1961) are former and current engineers in the military holding company “Krushik” in Valjevo, they are accused of having extracted confidential data and business-technical documentation without any authorization from “Krushik” and delivered them to a company in North Macedonia, to the detriment of the “security, defense, military and other interests, as well as for weakening the power of Serbia”.

They are suspected of having committed espionage, for which during 2024 they continuously contacted Macedonian nationals, employees of the company “ATS Group”, headed by Shevket Demirovski.

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