“Racket” case lawyer: No evidence, only footage of a bag so that Boki is condemned in advance by the public


Bojan Jovanovski Boki- 13 and Katica Janeva’s defense teams gave their closing argument in the “Racket” case trial in the Criminal Court.

Boki’s lawyer, Saso Dukovski, said in his closing argument that prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska’s closing remarks were not worth commenting on because nothing had been proven to them except as gossip talk.

– Ruskoska said that this case, after April 27, was the most difficult case she has ever faced, but if that is really the case, this case is brutal violence, without fighting arguments and presenting evidence. And if something is important for the BPPO, if they said it in a high tone, they should assure us that it is so. We have not seen any evidence, only a five-second video showing 50-euro banknotes and the defendant carrying a bag as light as a feather.

In this procedure, there is not a trace of legal pragma, only a literal policy has no right, because that is how someone imagined that this is how it should be conducted. Give the people bread and games and divert attention from the important things for the existence of the state. Evidence was hidden, we were not informed that someone wanted it that way, the law was brutally violated. We all witnessed how in the closing remarks through a small door he tried to pass evidence through video and the famous bag was shown all over the case so that Boki could be condemned by the public in advance, said Dukovski.

He pointed out that Bojan Jovanovski is being prosecuted for money laundering, an act for which the prosecution presents evidence from 2017, and is accused of an act that was committed in 2018.

Also that the Court Council accepted evidence proposed by the BPPO, such as audio recordings from one place and videos from another event.

– At one point we saw a video from a restaurant where Kicheec is sitting with a lawyer and the brother of a top politician, and the prosecutor immediately defended them and convinced us that they are unknown people, but we all know who they are, said Dukovski.

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