Former Health Minister warns that the COVID-19 situation is getting out of hand


The predecessor of the current Minister of Health and current Mayor of Gostivar, Arben Taravari, believes that the situation with the coronavirus in the country is getting out of hand.

He spoke for “Euronews Albania” about the coronavirus, pointing out that Macedonia has a higher mortality rate from the entire region together, reports the PaCensur news portal.

“In Macedonia, the mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 5.9, which means more than Albania, Kosovo, Greece and Montenegro combined. Together, these countries will not have the same mortality as Macedonia, Taravari said.

According to him, in the last few days, without the end of the first wave, the second wave of the virus has continued.

“The second wave continues without the first one ending at all, although the expectations were that the number of infected people would be reduced, as in the countries around Macedonia. If you add up the number of infected people from Croatia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Albania, Greece, the number of newly infected people in these countries yesterday was as much as half of the infected people in Macedonia,” Taravari said.

He added that not only the opposition was concerned about this situation, but all residents in Macedonia.

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