One cannot verify something that doesn’t exist!


Integral announcement from Makedonski Manifest:

This unpopular genocidal government led by Zaev is aware that it has no support from the people and is losing the elections, so it is using cunning in order to distract the patriots from the elections. Their outcasts, disguised as “patriots”, are calling for a boycott of the slogan: DO NOT COME OUT TO VOTE AND VERIFY NORTH MACEDONIA. This is a big scam. Something that does not exist cannot be verified. REMEMBER, NORTH MK DOES NOT EXIST; THERE IS ONLY MACEDONIA! Namely, in the mandatory Referendum of September 8, 1991, 95.6% of the huge number of citizens who voted for the name of the country MACEDONIA. This decision is still in force. It cannot be changed either by an international agreement or by law, or by constitutional changes contrary to the referendum will of the citizens. It can only be changed by another referendum decision, but there is no such thing. At the Referendum of September 30, 2018, the people rejected the change of the name of the country. There is a decision of the SEC for that, which is only competent to announce the results of the referendum. Therefore, the Prespa Agreement, the Law on Ratification of this Agreement and the Constitutional Amendments are illegal. Under domestic and international law, they are null and void and have not produced legal effect since their enactment. In a word, they do not exist, and we are still Macedonia and Macedonians. But for that we need a people’s government that will confirm all this. That is why on July 15, all of us in the elections to overthrow this government. Don’t be afraid of this pandemic. There is no bigger pandemic from the SDS government led by Zaev and the coalition! MAKEDONSKI MANIFEST

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