Janushev to LjupcoNikolovski: Isn’t it a shame that the prime minister-designate did not say a word about the farmersin his speech?


VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janushev sent a message to LjupcoNikolovski from SDSM via Facebook.

“Hello Ljupcho, how are you?

Of course this is a question out of courtesy, but the following is not.

You have robbed the country blind, and now you want us to be calm and peaceful?

It’s not going to happen.

As for your sponsored hotel coalition, I will answer with a question, like the Skopje SDSM wing, will you still lie to them with positions and tenders that regularly end up with Vice?

P.S.  Isn’t it a shame that the prime minister-designate did not say a word about the farmers in his address? Let me make a clear note of who we are dealing with,”wrote Janushev on Facebook.

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