The Committee on Elections and Appointment Issues cannot be above the Parliament


The Parliamentary Committee on Elections and Appointment Issues cannot be above the Parliament itself, said Antonio Miloshoski, MP of VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition “Renewal of Macedonia” on Monday.

“Why do I think that the agenda is inappropriate, and contrary to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia?” Because in these 30 years of this Parliament, there has never been a need to determine the personal composition of the permanent working bodies, simply called Parliamentary Committees without making a decision to establish Committees of the Parliament,” noted Miloshoski.

Former Macedonian Foreign Minister Miloshoski added that in accordance with Article 118 of the Rules of Procedure, paragraph 1 is written – “Permanent working bodies are established by a decision of the Parliament.” This was the case in 1991, 1994, 1998 and 2017, to this day.

“Because the Parliament can decide to have a different number or a different competence of the permanent working bodies, for example, in 2006 there were 19 Committees as permanent working bodies in the Parliament, while in 2016 there were 21 working Committees. It was decided in 2016 that there should be a Commission for Local Self-Government, a Commission for Equal Opportunities. Those commissions did not exist in 2006,” Miloshoski said.

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