Judicial Council President: Introducing online trials mulled amid surge in COVID-19 cases


It is being mulled court hearings to be replaced with online trials after several trials have been postponed amid the surge in COVID-19 cases, President of the Judicial Council Kiro Zdravev told MIA.

“In the future, we have to amend the laws in order to regulate online trials. Everyone, the Judicial Council, the judges and court presidents, find the situation very concerning. We’ll have to find a solution,” he stated.

While looking for ways to enable online trials, delay of trials, which was the case in March, April and May, isn’t being discussed, according to Zdravev.

However, he stressed, we are encountering a problem, because online trials cannot be held if the defendants refuse.

“Also, most courts in the country lack the necessary equipment for online trials,” Zdravev said, adding the Judicial Council will ask for donations and funding from the Finance Ministry to equip the courts.

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