Hospitality Chamber asks for financial help from the companies’ New Year’s Eve party budget


The Independent Chamber of Hospitality launches the campaign #Investiramzadapomognam (I invest to help) for investments and support of the hospitality industry. The goal is to encourage companies to reallocate part of their planned corporate budget for the New Year’s Eve party and to invest or donate it to the hospitality industry or to, as stated, #Mojotomilenugostitel (my favorite caterer) because they also #Zasluzhuvapoddrshka (deserve support).

As indicated by the Independent Chamber of Hospitality, in December in most of the hospitality facilities up to 40 corporate afternoon and evening parties are organized. For the organization of corporate and other New Year’s Eve parties, the companies in Macedonia spend more than 20 million euros planned budget which this year in many cases will remain unused or will be reallocated for other things.

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