Zaev on Karakachanov’s reaction: Approach is possible through exchange of ideas, not through inappropriate messages


I am a Macedonian who speaks Macedonian, a language recognized by the whole world. Karakachanov is a Bulgarian who speaks a Bulgarian language recognized by the whole world, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

He adds that the only difference is not the identity, but that in terms of different views of the world.

“I’m a Macedonian to speaks the Macedonian language, recognized by the entire world. Karakachanov is a Bulgarian who speaks the Bulgarian language recognized by the entire world. But ethnicity and identity are not where the differences between us end. The more important and more serious is the difference in the way we view the world. I work to bring our positions closer over our differences and I know that is only possible through an exchange of ideas and opinions and not through insults and unbecoming messages. Our peoples expect a step forward toward friendship, not hate speech. Enough with the hate!”,Zaev stresses in his post.

ZoranZaev responded to KrasimirKarakachanov after openly mocking him as a “Bulgarian whose brain runs a day late”.


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