VMRO-DPMNE will form a coalition against crime and humiliation, says Mickoski


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski stressed during Monday’s interview with MTV that today one cannot talk about justice and the rule of law when no one has yet been held accountable for the wiretapped conversations of prosecutors and judges and no one has been held accountable that was 95% turnout in one polling station, when not even 30% of the inhabitants live in that place.

“When I see that those wiretapped conversations about prosecutors and judges that Spasovski himself found have been disclosed, then we can talk about the rule of law. When I see that a polling stations has 95% turnout, and there are not even 30% of the residents and the perpetrator to be held accountable, then I can talk about the rule of law, otherwise we cannot talk, with blackmail and threats like the Prime Minister Zaev did today on the open stage, either you will listen to me or I will change you, that is what is happening today,” said Mickoski.

The opposition leader stressed that anyone who thinks that all that is happening in our country is wrong is welcome in the party and says that a coalition against crime and corruption is needed.

“Anyone who thinks that all that is happening in our country is wrong is welcome to join VMRO-DPMNE, with VMRO-DPMNE, within the party, as a coalition partner, and as a political entity to sit down to talk, to form coalition, parliamentary or non-parliamentary political party. We must form a coalition against crime and corruption, shame and humiliation we have seen the past 4 years. And then we will overcome our political frictions on this or that. That is the essence,” stressed Mickoski.

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