Saturday, July 27, 2024
SDSM spokesperson Bogdanka Kuzeska accused at a press briefing that Prime Minister Hristijan Mickosi and the ministers accompanying him spent almost 20 thousand euros on the trip to Washington. The spokesperson added that a business class ticket was ordered for Mickoski, the price of a return ticket was MKD 237,072...
The president of the Macedonian patriotic association “V'mbel Egej” Sotir Lukrovski will no longer be able to enter Greece, to visit his parents' village, from yesterday and for the next three years. “He is registered as not welcome” is written in a badly written Serbian in the document with...
Out of 30 days, the government plane was used by the ministers of DUI and SDS for 25 days. Even for flights to Nish, Serbia. This utilization of the government plane has now contributed to a service costing 1 million euros, which will be paid for from the citizens'...
Instead of worrying about its own disaster, SDS wants to manipulate the citizens through expensive PR with accumulated lies and fabrications. While they were destroying the state, the Rating agency, owned by Nikola Spasov, during the period when the SDS was in power, this agency won tenders with a...
Public Enterprise Water Supply and Sewerage - Skopje urges citizens of Skopje to use water rationally and carefully on days with extremely high temperatures. In particular, to avoid unnecessary wastage of water for watering gardens and fields, filling pools, etc. which causes instability in the water supply in the high...
Nine of the 30 wildfires burning on Saturday are still active, six have been localized and prevented from spreading, and 15 have been completely extinguished, according to the Crisis Management Center. According to CMC head Stojanche Angelov on Sunday morning, there is still a risk of extinguished fires flaring up,...
On July 11, 2024, the State Audit Office published an Audit Report that reveals major procedures were carried out with negotiation behind closed doors without clearly defined criteria, unequal treatment of companies and wasteful use of public funds. From the data and from the publicly available data on public...
At a session held on July 6, the new Government annulled the decision of the previous government, which was supposed to lease land, i.e. the Krushino" complex near Kichevo, to Kujtim Sula, son-in-law of the current FFM president Muhamed Sejdini, reports. As reported by this media outlet, the decision...
The Public Revenue Office (PRO) announced on Saturday that the payment of the VAT refund will begin next week through the Ministry of Finance. As stated in the press release, immediately after the appointment of a new director in the PRO, a Commission for the improvement of VAT processes...
Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski attended a foundation laying stone ceremony for a new public child care and preschool center to be built in Gazi Baba's Trubarevo on Saturday. Asked about the opposition's criticism that the budget reshuffle has not been developed, he pointed out that the current opposition...