Thursday, September 5, 2024
The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) strongly condemns the anti-European violence on the streets of Skopje instigated and carried out by the pro-Russian elements in our country who are against the EU, NATO, good neighborliness, peace, stability and security,said the ruling party DUI on Wednesday. DUI points out that "the...
The new government will likely be led by VMRO-DPMNE and the Worth It coalition. At least that's what representatives from these two political entities and party coalitions confirmed. But it seems that the negotiations for the formation of the government will not be so easy because one side has...
The majority of respondents to the survey conducted by CRPC and the Association for Journalism, Information, Communications and Marketing Services answered that the current President Stevo Pendarovski does not deserve another term. Or in numbers, 25% of those surveyed answered that Pendarovski does not deserve another presidential term, and...
The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama invited all the leaders of the political parties of the Albanians from Macedonia to a meeting on Tuesday in Tirana, writes the Albanian-language portal Almakos. "The leaders of DUI, Alliance for Albanians, Besa and Alternativa, Ali Ahmeti, Arben Taravari, Bilal Kasami and Afrim...
The Democratic Union (DS) welcomes the latest decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE) with which Bulgaria is asked to reject the practice of not registering associations of Macedonians and at the same time the Committee of Ministers, which is the highest executive body...
The foundation for the alleged factory for electric vehicles and Artan Grubi's announcement of state aid of 130 million euros, is nothing but the overflow of public money from the state treasury into the budget of persons close to DUI, opposition party Levica accused on Sunday. Behind the company "Next...
Several Macedonian cities have highly polluted air Thursday and Friday. The air that flows over the countries of the Mediterranean these days, including the countries of the region, brings not only heat, but also sand, which will be especially present today, and was visible on satellite images yesterday, several...
At least 13 people reported injuries or trauma caused by lightning in the storm that hit the Ohrid region at around 3 pm, and the initial unofficial information was that two people were injured. According to the information, the thunder struck at the locality "Orevce" near the beach at the...
The Platform of Civil Organizations for the Fight Against Corruption requested the resignation of the State Public Prosecutor, Ljubomir Joveski, due to the actions of the Public Prosecutor's Office in connection with the fire in the Tetovo modular hospital when 14 people were killed. They add that this is compounded...
SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and the outgoing government are selling the state, this time they are pushing for a new "candy business" sale of Tikves Lake, which will bring millions to their closest people, accuses VMRO-DPMNE’s Stevce Antovski. - The business with selling Lake Tikves will bring millions to close...