AJM demands responsibility from the Toxicology director


The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) condemns the attempt at censorship and restriction of the right to speech by BesijaIlazi, organizational director of the Toxicology Clinic in Skopje.

“According to today’s report by AJM members, an order was publicly displayed at the entrance of the Toxicology Clinic in Skopje, prohibiting employees from having contact with journalists or the media. In the order of 20.05.2024, it is stated that in accordance with articles 30 and 31 of the statute of the PHI Clinic for Toxicology Skopje, unauthorized presence, giving statements to the public through interviews and convening press conferences, which would cause damage to the interests, are prohibited and the reputation of the clinic. Such an order is a gross violation of freedom of speech and professional journalism, contrary to the Constitution. Censorship in Macedonia is prohibited by Article 16 of the Constitution of the RNM. Public health institutions and all public institutions in the country should provide publicity in their operations and inform about their decisions and work, and not prohibit information on topics of public interest,” reads the AJM reaction.


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