The Speaker is not a tribal chief and must not think in a manner of ethnicity, says Krmov


According to you, any violation of laws by Albanian officials is Albanianophobia, accused Levica MP Borislav Krmov in his presentation from the Parliament rostrum about the no-confidence vote for Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi.
“Gashi’s security pointed a gun at the airport security, and you took that out of the Interior Ministry’s minutes. If Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani is closer to Gashi because of his ethnicity, I call on him to resign immediately, not to wait for the interpellation. He is not supposed to think in a manner of ethnicity, only in a manner of statesmanship, because he is not a tribal chief.
He violates the Macedonian Language Law, and he explains our objections to it as a phobia towards the Albanian language. It violates the Law on Flags, because in the hall we have NATO and EU flags and small flags of Albania in the MPs’ offices. Speaker Gashi provided Talat Xhaferi with two positions, Prime Minister and MP, probably two salaries, who knows. He continued Xhaferi’s bad practices, nothing of what we agree on coordination is valid,” said MP Krmov.

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