Poverty rate drop by 0,3 percent


The 2018 at-risk-of-poverty rate in North Macedonia was 21.9 percent, a 0.3-percent drop compared to 2017, the State Statistical Office said on Monday.

The State Statistical Office, based on the Survey on Income and Living Conditions, which is carried out in accordance with European Union recommendations, calculated the Laeken poverty indicators for 2018.

The source for poverty calculations is income, and the poverty threshold is defined at 60 percent of median equalized income.

Analyzed by household types, the at-risk-of-poverty rate in households of two adults with two dependent children in 2018 was 22 percent. According to the most frequent activity status, the at-risk-of-poverty rate for employed persons was 8.8 percent, while for pensioners it was 7.9 percent. The Gini coefficient (measure of income distribution inequality) was 31.9 percent.

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