Interim government to be discussed tomorrow


Macedonia is on the verge of forming an interim government, after the ruling majorityand the opposition VMRO-DPMNE reached an agreement to adopt legislative proposals bound by January 1, which were previously blocked by the opposition. After a meeting of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive and Central Committee, Janushev briefed on their decisions.- First the Executive and Central Committee unanimously gave confidence to the President of VMRO-DPMNE prof. Dr. Hristijan Mickoski to lead the talks and make suggestions regarding VMRO-DPMNE’s candidates for future ministers, i.e. deputy or additional ministers in the technical government. The purpose of these people will be to ensure fair, democratic and fully transparent elections on April 12, he said.The Central and Executive Committees gave full unanimous support to Party President Hristijan Mickoski to be the new mandate holder, that is, candidate for the mandate following the April 12 elections, in which VMRO-DPMNE will secure a landslide victory.Talks on the interim government begin tomorrow at 4 pm with a meeting in Parliament between the presidents of VMRO-DPMNE and DUI, Hristijan Mickoski and Ali Ahmeti. One hour later, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will meet with opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski in the government building.Tonight SDSM will also decide on staffing issues related to the interim government. A candidate for interim prime minister should be elected at a meeting of the Central Board, which will take over after Prime Minister Zoran Zaev resigns from his pos

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