VAT registration and deregistration by January 15


By January 15th, all legal entities and individuals that last year had a turnover below 2 million denars and are registered as VAT payers, will have the opportunity to de-register from the VAT Bonds Register, and those who had turnover above 2 million denars registered, you will have to register. This calls for a new VAT bond threshold that will take effect on January 1.

The VAT payer threshold was increased from one to two million denars late last year in order to reduce the administrative burden on citizens and businesses.

– Registration for VAT purposes can also be submitted by taxpayers who wish to voluntarily register for VAT purposes, inform the Ministry of Finance.

Applications for registration may be mailed or in person to the Regional Directorate of Public Revenue Office by the taxpayer’s head office or residence. Applications can also be submitted electronically at

A manual has also been developed through which citizens and companies can be informed about the new threshold and who has or is not required to be a VAT payer. The manual can be found on the Ministry of Finance website.

The VAT payer threshold was changed late last year. Then Finance Minister Nina Angelovska said that the Finance Ministry analysis showed that the tax administration spends more time on small VAT payers who contribute two percent to total VAT collection than those who contribute 73 percent.

The new amendments to the law also change the period in which the taxpayer is required to remain in the VAT system and shorten it to three years from the previous five years.

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