Nina Angelovska is sabotaging the additional minister from the very beginning


Finance Minister Nina Angelovska is blocking Deputy Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrievska Kocovska’s access to information, who is in the ministry today as a member of the caretaker government. In doing so, Angelovska seems to want to hide information from the deputy minister, which is a criminal offense, and at the same time compels employees to act in violation of the Government Act. According to this Law, the Deputy Minister of Finance has been approved by the Parliament and the deputy minister has a connected signature with the Minister, so the question is what does Angelovska want to hide and why, or is she afraid that some suspicious information from this Ministry might leak?

In a letter sent this morning to Finance Ministry employees, it states that: Any communication and requests made to the Additional Deputy Minister or a member of his/her Cabinet to individual employees in certain sectors must first be approved by the Head of Department and/or State advisor, and the head of department/state advisor must have prior approval from the cabinet of ministers, the letter reads.

By doing this, Angelovska forces the Ministry staff not to obey the orders of the Deputy Minister Dimitrieska-Kocoska, it they are not previously approved by Minister Angelovska. Or in other words, to sabotage Dimitriska-Kocoska’s work.

Angelovska went so far as to nominate a person through whom communication with Dimitrieska-Kocoska and her cabinet would take place.

Pursuant to the Law on Government and the Przino Agreement, the Additional Deputy Minister of Finance has been voted by the Parliament and has a connected signature with the Minister.

It is indicative that Angelovska’s letter comes at a time when there are serious doubts about the work of the Ministry of Finance to allocate budget funds for election bribes. Whatever Angelovska wants to conceal, bypassing Dimitrieska-Kocoska, is a crime, and makes her signature null and void, since on January 3 this year, no document signed by Angelovska has the power unless it has the signature of her deputy.

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