Gjorcev: Government awards a tender for 1,500 gambling machines, but says there’s no money for fresh air


The outgoing government is awarding a tender of EuroGames Technology Ltd. in the amount of MKD 402 million for 1500 gambling machines, so you know what that means in 75 municipalities, it is 20 machines per municipality on the level of Macedonia. If we take the smaller places, we will have 100 machines in each of the municipalities in Skopje, and for the ambient air you will say that there is no money for 2 million euros a year, and now there are 1,500 gambling machines, says MP Vladimir Gjorcev at today’s parliamentary debate.

He noted that there is not one settlement in Skopje or neighborhood where there isn’t a gambling place or casino.

– Who profits from that? Few people, and who is the loser of it all – thousands of people, people who  make 300 euros a month, and half of that salary goes to it. We need to defend the public interest, so we need to take action on this issue, says Gjorcev.

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