Spasovski: Implementation of the Law on Languages ​​is on the right track


Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski “consoled” citizens, especially Macedonians. At the same time, the keeper of Zaev’s throne, as he is called in public, has been completely opposed to the Venice Commission, which has given bad marks to this precedent in world law.

“The implementation of the Law on Languages ​​is on the right track”, Spasovski said.

Oliver Spasovski, a year after the Law on the Enforcement of Languages ​​came into force, popularly called the Law on Bilingualism, which the SDSM government led by its predecessor Zaev had pushed through marked with a European flag, now thinks its implementation is on the right track. Spasovski sees the adopting of the law as a bold step toward resolving past problems.

As a reminder, the Venice Commission, the most eminent European body in the field, made a disastrous assessment of this controversial law. The question that arises, according to the experts, is whether by disrespecting the opinion of the Europeans, to whom SDSM’s “democracy” strives declaratively, Zaev’s party is in fact completely demystifying and showing how un-European and home-market oriented it is, with and for the sole purpose of staying in power.

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