Nikoloski: Macedonia lost 19,000 new jobs and hundreds of millions of euros of investment


“With Zoran Zaev, there are no new foreign investments and projects in Macedonia. Macedonia lost three years to a Zaev-led government. There is nothing of the announced economic boom in Macedonia. Zaev’s government has failed to bring in any new foreign investment that actually started operating and was not previously communicated by the previous team,” VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski wrote on Facebook.

On his Facebook status he wrote:

– The Republic of Macedonia has missed the chance to open new jobs by attracting foreign investments. Instead of Macedonia, foreign investments ended up in Serbia, Bulgaria and Albania. With this Government we have lost the following projects and investments: – Leoni has decided to invest 60 million euros in Serbia’s Kraljevo and create 5,000 new jobs. – Aptiv Packard has also decided to invest in Serbia in Leskovac and create 3,000 new jobs. – ZS invests in Serbia’s Pancevo and plans to reach 1,000 new jobs.

– “Adient”, a new investment in Serbia’s Loznica that will create 1,500 new jobs, and “Rimaster” another investment in Serbia’s Paracin. Swedish company plans to reach 1,000 employees, – VOS is a project that went to Bulgaria in Bahovica and plans to invest 15 million euros and hire 1,000 employees, – Leoni decided to invest another one in Bulgaria in Pleven instead in Macedonia. Their investment is worth 32 million euros and 2,000 new jobs, – “Yanfeng” is an investment in Serbia in Kragujevac and will reach 800 new jobs, – Jura invests in Albania 6.5 million euros and created 600 new jobs, and plan to reach 4,000 new jobs.

These investments bring at least 19,000 new direct jobs and hundreds of millions of euros of investment.

Instead of opening up new foreign investments and new jobs in Macedonia, all we have been seeing lately is crime, corruption, incompetence and scandals. Foreign investment is attracted by hard work and dedication, not by crime and corruption. During the early parliamentary elections in 2016, they claimed that conditions for domestic companies would improve. And there is nothing wrong with that promise – NOT ANY NEW NATIONAL INVESTMENT IN THESE ZONES. The new VMRO-DPMNE government will change this. It will work on attracting foreigners, boosting domestic investment and a strong economy. With a strong economic team we will improve the standard of living for everyone in Macedonia. Macedonia lost three years with Zaev. It is time to change things”, wrote Nikoloski.


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