Bitola marks the Day of Russian Diplomacy


The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bitola celebrated the Day of Russian Diplomacy, which according to established tradition is celebrated with a ceremony of laying flowers in front of the monument of Russian Cross and a cultural event, and this year with a historical-documentary exhibition on the theme “100 rarities of Russian statehood”.

On this day, Ambassador Sergey Bazdinkin said, Russian diplomats around the world are celebrating their holiday and paying tribute to their predecessors, as was Russian Emperor Consul Aleksandar Arkadijevic Rostkovski, killed in 1903 in Bitola.

For us, this year is the 75th anniversary of the victory over Nazism. Our country at the cost of incredible casualties and colossal effort has played a decisive role in destroying the Nazi military machinery, contributing to the liberation of the peoples of Europe and the world from the so-called. “Brown plague” also from the ideology of fascism, said Ambassador Bazdinkin.

At the ceremony in Bitola, Ambassador Bazdinkin reminded that the cooperation with the Macedonian partners will be built on the principle of true equality, mutual respect and taking into account the mutual interests.

“In today’s complicated conditions when humanity is back on the dangerous line, Russia’s foreign policy is focused on forming a united and positive energy, and developing mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries,” Ambassador Bazdkinkin said at the Russian Diplomacy Day.

Flowers were laid in front of the Russian Cross monument in Bitola by Mayor Natasa Petrovska, representatives of the diplomatic corps from the city and state, representatives of national and local institutions, as well as citizens’ associations from the Pelagonija region.

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