The SEC calls on the Diaspora to register and inspect the Voters List


The SEC invites Macedonian citizens who wish to exercise their right to vote to
inspect the special excerpts of the Voters List in the DCO premises of the Republic
of North Macedonia from February 26 to March 11.
Requests for entering, amending, or deleting data in the Voters List during public
inspection are to be submitted through a personal email application to the SEC from
February 26 to March 11.
All Macedonian citizens who have registered their last domicile in Macedonia and
have been temporarily resident abroad for more than three months or are temporarily
employed or staying in the respective country for more than one year, according to
the records of the competent authorities, are eligible to vote, and have submitted
applications for voting from 16 February to 11 March 2020, and are listed in the
special excerpts of the Voters List.

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