All nine people transported with the coronavirus positive patient were identified


The patient with coronavirus is in good general condition and with a mild form of the
disease. Only one of her lungs is affected, and no mechanical ventilation is required,
according to Health Minister Venko Filipce.
Providing more details on North Macedonia’s first coronavirus case at a press
conference Wednesday evening, Minister Filipce said the 50-year-old woman was
sequestered in an intensive care unit at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje.
Filipce added that all people who rode with her on the van, which entered the country
at the Tabanovce border crossing, were identified, contacted, and kept under home
isolation. There were nine people in total – the driver and eight passengers.
Some passengers were found in Skopje, and some in Strumica, Filipche said.
Medical teams were already interviewing them to see who they had contacted during
the day.
“All of them will remain under home isolation and police protection overnight,” the
minister highlighted, “and based on the results of the analysis, we’ll decide if they will

stay isolated at home or transferred to dedicated infectious diseases supervision
“There’s no room for panic. Epidemics have occurred before,” Filipce reminded
reporters. “No need to stockpile supplies.”

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