Angelovska: Budget can withstand coronavirus-related shocks


It is too early to talk about numbers and financial losses due to the coronavirus. The situation is closely monitored, the national budget is is good shape and can withstand any shocks, said Finance Minister Nina Angelovska on Monday.

The initial reaction hit the capital markets and effects are possible in the transport and tourism fields because of the cancelled travel arrangements, but also in the leather manufacturing industry that works with the regions in the north of Italy.

“We are monitoring developments and we have to be vigilant and intervene where necessary. However, I believe giving numbers at this time is too early,” Minister Angelovska told reporters.

According to her, the initial reaction reached the capital market, which suffered a recent drop, but prior experiences have shown that the situation will gradually stabilize.

“Travel arrangements have also been cancelled, which also affects the transport industry. Another sector that could be affected is leather manufacturing industry that cooperates with Italy,” said Angelovska.

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