VMRO-DPMNE’s VP Nikoloski: Zaev ordered the postponement of the hearings in the case against me for after the elections to hide facts from the public In last night’s TV show "Sleep If You Can" on Alfa TV, VMRO-DPMNE's vice


president said that during the “Racket” affair a lot of money was extorted from many
businessmen, an estimate of 20 million euros. All this happened with the knowledge
of Zaev who needed to continue the mess in Macedonia and to bring the court
judgments on the "TRAS TRAS" principle.
“Zaev decided to sue me for slander for these publicly stated allegations, but is also
doing all he can to postpone the slander case. He is pressuring the judiciary to
postpone the hearings in the case he initiated against me for after the elections,
because he knows that the court will determine I was telling the truth. Zaev has such
control over the judiciary he can manage the case to the point that the first hearing
was scheduled 12 days after the elections. He is afraid of the facts I can reveal
before the court, that he was at the top of the extortion pyramid and that many
businessmen were targeted and more than 20 million EUR were taken from them.
The the first hearing was scheduled for April 24, meaning 12 days after the elections,
that the public would be prevented from seeing everything I have as facts and data,
and where is my knowledge where that I can clearly show that he is at the top of the
pyramid, that many businessmen and 20 million euros have been extorted. So the
threat of a lawsuit came in September, and it was filed in November, and the hearing
is scheduled at the end of April, which is unheard of in the Macedonian judiciary,"
Nikoloski said.

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