Priority of the PPO will be criminal charges for non-compliance with decisions, measures and recommendations for dealing with coronavirus


In the course of the action of the Basic Public Prosecutor's Offices, criminal charges
relating to criminal offenses relating to decisions, measures and recommendations
made by other competent authorities to deal with the occurrence and spread of
coronavirus COVID-19 shall be given immediate effect, informs the Public
Prosecutor's Office.
The Public Prosecutor of Macedonia, pursuant to Articles 20 and 25 of the Law on
Public Prosecutor's Office, yesterday issued mandatory instructions obliging the
Public Prosecutors of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Offices and the Public
Prosecutors of the Basic Public Prosecution Offices to organize and accordingly
perform the function of the Public Prosecutor's Office. the conclusions of the 19th
session of the Government in the following manner:
1. Priority shall be given to the handling of criminal offenses relating to crimes:
Transmission of communicable disease under Article 205 CC, Failure to comply with
health regulations during epidemic under Article 206 CC, Negligent treatment of
patients after Article 207 CC, Failure to provide medical assistance pursuant to
Article 208 CC, Prevention of an official in the performance of an official duty under
Article 382 CC, Attack on an official while performing security activities under Article
383 CC, Organizing resistance under Article 387 of the CC, criminal charges from
above relevant institutions in relation to decisions, measures and recommendations
made by other competent authorities to deal with the occurrence and spread of
coronavirus COVID-19.

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