If ministers and officials work for free the state will save 2.5m euros a month


Ministers' salaries range from 70 to almost 90 thousand denars per month net. In
addition, millions of denars of national money are poured for representation on a
monthly basis. We demand that ministers, deputy ministers, directors, and members
of the governing and supervisory boards work for free, which will save 2.5m euros a
month, said VMRO-DPMNE Spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski at a news conference.
– We also call on the Minister of Justice Renata Deskoska and SDSM if they really
want to help then give up their salaries and royalties completely while the crisis with
the coronavirus epidemic continues.
That way, up to 2.5 million Euros would be saved per month and the same funds
would be allocated and relocated in those segments that are necessary for
protecting the standard of the citizens, but also for dealing directly with the
coronavirus. I repeat only 2.5 million euros would be saved on this basis, Stoilkovski

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