Macedonia second among the countries with the highest number of COVID- 19 deaths


According to the statistics conducted by each country separately in the Balkans
regarding coronavirus, i.e. the number of deaths and infections caused during this
pandemic, Macedonia is the second country in the Balkans with the highest number
of deaths. Macedonia, with eight dead, is right behind Slovenia with 11 Covid-19
Countries much larger than Macedonia, such as Turkey (6) and Greece (7), have
lower death rates, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria.
In terms of infected people per million citizens, our country is in the fifth position with
232 infected.
Here is the statistics of those who died and became infected with the coronavirus in
the Balkans.
Died of 1 million inhabitants: Slovenia 11, Macedonia 8, Greece 7, Turkey 6, BiH 6,
Albania 6, Serbia 5, Croatia 3, Montenegro 3, Bulgaria 2.
Infected per 1 million: Slovenia 470, Montenegro 320, Turkey 284, Croatia 274,
Macedonia 232, BiH 190, Serbia 186, Greece 161, Albania 116, Bulgaria 72.

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