Culev: 1322 people violated curfew, 10 violations of isolation, 157 self- isolation


The measure restricting the movement since its introduction in the country has not
been respected by 1,322 people, 10 violations of isolation orders and 157
statements of self-isolation have been found, and the police have filed criminal
charges and 25 hate speech reports related to COVID-19.
This was posted by the Minister of Interior Nake Culev on his Facebook profile,
where he thanked the citizens who respect the decisions of the Government to limit
the movement as one of the measures for dealing with the coronavirus.
– As for the statistics regarding the observance of the measures for restricting the
movement of the citizens from their introduction until today: a total of 1322 people
did not respect the measure for restricting the movement, 62 of them are under 18
years of age and 42 people are over 67 years old. A total of 519 people were
detained, 223 people were warned, and for the rest data were taken and additional

measures will follow. Most of the people are on the territory of the SIA Skopje. A total
of 483 criminal charges and 73 notifications have been filed with the Basic Public
Prosecutor's Office so far, Culev wrote.

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